class VideoElement
package js.html
extends MediaElement › Element › DOMElement › Node › EventTarget
@:native("HTMLVideoElement")The HTMLVideoElement
interface provides special properties and methods for manipulating video objects. It also inherits properties and methods of HTMLMediaElement
and HTMLElement
Documentation HTMLVideoElement by Mozilla Contributors, licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5.
See also:
Is a DOMString
that reflects the height
HTML attribute, which specifies the height of the display area, in CSS pixels.
Is a DOMString
that reflects the poster
HTML attribute, which specifies an image to show while no video data is available.
read onlyvideoHeight:Int
Returns an unsigned long
containing the intrinsic height of the resource in CSS pixels, taking into account the dimensions, aspect ratio, clean aperture, resolution, and so forth, as defined for the format used by the resource. If the element's ready state is HAVE_NOTHING
, the value is 0
read onlyvideoWidth:Int
Returns an unsigned long
containing the intrinsic width of the resource in CSS pixels, taking into account the dimensions, aspect ratio, clean aperture, resolution, and so forth, as defined for the format used by the resource. If the element's ready state is HAVE_NOTHING
, the value is 0
Returns a VideoPlaybackQuality
objects that contains the current playback metrics.
Inherited Variables
Defined by MediaElement
read onlyaudioTracks:AudioTrackList
A AudioTrackList
that lists the AudioTrack
objects contained in the element.
A Boolean
that reflects the autoplay
HTML attribute, indicating whether playback should automatically begin as soon as enough media is available to do so without interruption.
Sites which automatically play audio (or videos with an audio track) can be an unpleasant experience for users, so it should be avoided when possible. If you must offer autoplay functionality, you should make it opt-in (requiring a user to specifically enable it). However, this can be useful when creating media elements whose source will be set at a later time, under user control.
read onlybuffered:TimeRanges
Returns a TimeRanges
object that indicates the ranges of the media source that the browser has buffered (if any) at the moment the buffered
property is accessed.
Is a Boolean
that reflects the controls
HTML attribute, indicating whether user interface items for controlling the resource should be displayed.
Is a double
indicating the current playback time in seconds. Setting this value seeks the media to the new time.
Is a Boolean
that reflects the muted
HTML attribute, which indicates whether the media element's audio output should be muted by default.
read onlyduration:Float
Returns a double
indicating the length of the media in seconds, or 0 if no media data is available.
read onlyerror:MediaError
Returns a MediaError
object for the most recent error, or null
if there has not been an error.
Is a Boolean
that reflects the loop
HTML attribute, which indicates whether the media element should start over when it reaches the end.
read onlymediaKeys:MediaKeys
Returns a MediaKeys
object or null
. MediaKeys is a set of keys that an associated HTMLMediaElement can use for decryption of media data during playback.
read onlynetworkState:Int
Returns a unsigned short
(enumeration) indicating the current state of fetching the media over the network.
Sets the EventHandler
called when playback is blocked while waiting for an encryption key.
read onlyplayed:TimeRanges
Returns a TimeRanges
object that contains the ranges of the media source that the browser has played, if any.
Is a DOMString
that reflects the preload
HTML attribute, indicating what data should be preloaded, if any. Possible values are: none
, metadata
, auto
read onlyreadyState:Int
Returns a unsigned short
(enumeration) indicating the readiness state of the media.
read onlyseekable:TimeRanges
Returns a TimeRanges
object that contains the time ranges that the user is able to seek to, if any.
read onlyseeking:Bool
Returns a Boolean
that indicates whether the media is in the process of seeking to a new position.
Is a DOMString
that reflects the src
HTML attribute, which contains the URL of a media resource to use.
Is a MediaStream
representing the media to play or that has played in the current HTMLMediaElement
, or null
if not assigned.
read onlyvideoTracks:VideoTrackList
Returns the list of VideoTrack
objects contained in the element.
Gecko supports only single track playback, and the parsing of tracks' metadata is only available for media with the Ogg container format.
Defined by DOMElement
read onlyattributes:NamedNodeMap
Returns a NamedNodeMap
object containing the assigned attributes of the corresponding HTML element.
read onlylocalName:String
A DOMString
representing the local part of the qualified name of the element.
read onlynamespaceURI:String
The namespace URI of the element, or null
if it is no namespace.
Note: In Firefox 3.5 and earlier, HTML elements are in no namespace. In later versions, HTML elements are in the
namespace in both HTML and XML trees. 1.9.2
Returns the event handling code for the wheel
event. This is now implemented on GlobalEventHandlers.onwheel
Is a DOMString
representing the markup of the element including its content. When used as a setter, replaces the element with nodes parsed from the given string.
read onlyprefix:String
A DOMString
representing the namespace prefix of the element, or null
if no prefix is specified.
read onlyscrollLeftMax:Int
Returns a Number
representing the maximum left scroll offset possible for the element.
read onlyscrollTopMax:Int
Returns a Number
representing the maximum top scroll offset possible for the element.
read onlyshadowRoot:ShadowRoot
Returns the open shadow root that is hosted by the element, or null if no open shadow root is present.
Defined by Node
read onlybaseURI:String
Returns a DOMString
representing the base URL. The concept of base URL changes from one language to another; in HTML, it corresponds to the protocol, the domain name and the directory structure, that is all until the last '/'
read onlychildNodes:NodeList
read onlyfirstChild:Node
Returns a Node
representing the first direct child node of the node, or null
if the node has no child.
read onlyisConnected:Bool
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the Node is connected (directly or indirectly) to the context object, e.g. the Document
object in the case of the normal DOM, or the ShadowRoot
in the case of a shadow DOM.
read onlylastChild:Node
Returns a Node
representing the last direct child node of the node, or null
if the node has no child.
read onlynextSibling:Node
Returns a Node
representing the next node in the tree, or null
if there isn't such node.
read onlynodeName:String
Returns a DOMString
containing the name of the Node
. The structure of the name will differ with the node type. E.g. An HTMLElement
will contain the name of the corresponding tag, like 'audio'
for an HTMLAudioElement
, a Text
node will have the '#text'
string, or a Document
node will have the '#document'
read onlynodeType:Int
Returns an unsigned short
representing the type of the node. Possible values are:
1 |
ATTRIBUTE_NODE (deprecated) |
2 |
3 |
CDATA_SECTION_NODE (deprecated) |
4 |
5 |
ENTITY_NODE (deprecated) |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
NOTATION_NODE (deprecated) |
12 |
read onlyownerDocument:HTMLDocument
Returns the Document
that this node belongs to. If the node is itself a document, returns null
read onlyparentElement:Element
read onlyparentNode:Node
Returns a Node
that is the parent of this node. If there is no such node, like if this node is the top of the tree or if doesn't participate in a tree, this property returns null
read onlypreviousSibling:Node
Returns a Node
representing the previous node in the tree, or null
if there isn't such node.
Inherited Methods
Defined by MediaElement
@:value({ language : "", label : "" })addTextTrack(kind:TextTrackKind, label:String = "", language:String = ""):TextTrack
Adds a text track (such as a track for subtitles) to a media element.
Resets the media element and restarts the media resource. Any pending events are discarded. How much media data is fetched is still affected by the preload
attribute. This method can be useful for releasing resources after any src
attribute and source
element descendants have been removed. Otherwise, it is usually unnecessary to use this method, unless required to rescan source
element children after dynamic changes.
Defined by Element
Defined by DOMElement
animate(keyframes:Dynamic, ?options:Float):Animation
animate(keyframes:Dynamic, ?options:KeyframeAnimationOptions):Animation
A shortcut method to create and run an animation on an element. Returns the created Animation object instance.
null | DOMError |
Attatches a shadow DOM tree to the specified element and returns a reference to its ShadowRoot
null | DOMError |
Returns the Element
which is the closest ancestor of the current element (or the current element itself) which matches the selectors given in parameter.
null | DOMError |
convertPointFromNode(point:DOMPointInit, from:Text, ?options:ConvertCoordinateOptions):DOMPoint
convertPointFromNode(point:DOMPointInit, from:Element, ?options:ConvertCoordinateOptions):DOMPoint
convertPointFromNode(point:DOMPointInit, from:HTMLDocument, ?options:ConvertCoordinateOptions):DOMPoint
null | DOMError |
convertQuadFromNode(quad:DOMQuad, from:Text, ?options:ConvertCoordinateOptions):DOMQuad
convertQuadFromNode(quad:DOMQuad, from:Element, ?options:ConvertCoordinateOptions):DOMQuad
convertQuadFromNode(quad:DOMQuad, from:HTMLDocument, ?options:ConvertCoordinateOptions):DOMQuad
null | DOMError |
convertRectFromNode(rect:DOMRectReadOnly, from:Text, ?options:ConvertCoordinateOptions):DOMQuad
convertRectFromNode(rect:DOMRectReadOnly, from:Element, ?options:ConvertCoordinateOptions):DOMQuad
convertRectFromNode(rect:DOMRectReadOnly, from:HTMLDocument, ?options:ConvertCoordinateOptions):DOMQuad
null | DOMError |
Returns an array of Animation objects currently active on the element.
Retrieves the value of the named attribute from the current node and returns it as an Object
getAttributeNS(namespace:String, localName:String):String
Retrieves the value of the attribute with the specified name and namespace, from the current node and returns it as an Object
Retrieves the node representation of the named attribute from the current node and returns it as an Attr
getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI:String, localName:String):Attr
Retrieves the node representation of the attribute with the specified name and namespace, from the current node and returns it as an Attr
Returns the size of an element and its position relative to the viewport.
Returns a collection of rectangles that indicate the bounding rectangles for each line of text in a client.
Returns a live HTMLCollection
that contains all descendants of the current element that possess the list of classes given in the parameter.
Returns a live HTMLCollection
containing all descendant elements, of a particular tag name, from the current element.
getElementsByTagNameNS(namespace:String, localName:String):HTMLCollection
Returns a live HTMLCollection
containing all descendant elements, of a particular tag name and namespace, from the current element.
null | DOMError |
Returns a Boolean
indicating if the element has the specified attribute or not.
hasAttributeNS(namespace:String, localName:String):Bool
Returns a Boolean
indicating if the element has the specified attribute, in the specified namespace, or not.
Returns a Boolean
indicating if the element has one or more HTML attributes present.
insertAdjacentElement(where:String, element:Element):Element
Inserts a given element node at a given position relative to the element it is invoked upon.
null | DOMError |
insertAdjacentHTML(position:String, text:String):Void
Parses the text as HTML or XML and inserts the resulting nodes into the tree in the position given.
null | DOMError |
insertAdjacentText(where:String, data:String):Void
Inserts a given text node at a given position relative to the element it is invoked upon.
null | DOMError |
Returns a Boolean
indicating whether or not the element would be selected by the specified selector string.
null | DOMError |
Returns the first Node
which matches the specified selector string relative to the element.
null | DOMError |
Returns a NodeList
of nodes which match the specified selector string relative to the element.
null | DOMError |
Releases (stops) pointer capture that was previously set for a specific PointerEvent
null | DOMError |
Removes the named attribute from the current node.
null | DOMError |
removeAttributeNS(namespace:String, localName:String):Void
Removes the attribute with the specified name and namespace, from the current node.
null | DOMError |
Removes the node representation of the named attribute from the current node.
null | DOMError |
Asynchronously asks the browser to make the element full-screen.
null | DOMError |
Allows to asynchronously ask for the pointer to be locked on the given element.
Scrolls the page until the element gets into the view.
setAttribute(name:String, value:String):Void
Sets the value of a named attribute of the current node.
null | DOMError |
setAttributeNS(namespace:String, name:String, value:String):Void
Sets the value of the attribute with the specified name and namespace, from the current node.
null | DOMError |
Sets the node representation of the named attribute from the current node.
null | DOMError |
Sets the node representation of the attribute with the specified name and namespace, from the current node.
null | DOMError |
@:value({ retargetToElement : false })setCapture(retargetToElement:Bool = false):Void
Sets up mouse event capture, redirecting all mouse events to this element.
Designates a specific element as the capture target of future pointer events.
null | DOMError |
toggleAttribute(name:String, ?force:Bool):Bool
Toggles a boolean attribute, removing it if it is present and adding it if it is not present, on the specified element.
null | DOMError |
Defined by Node
Adds the specified childNode argument as the last child to the current node.
If the argument referenced an existing node on the DOM tree, the node will be detached from its current position and attached at the new position.
@throws DOMError
@:value({ deep : false })cloneNode(deep:Bool = false):Node
Clone a Node
, and optionally, all of its contents. By default, it clones the content of the node.
null | DOMError |
Compares the position of the current node against another node in any other document.
Returns a Boolean
value indicating whether a node is a descendant of a given node or not.
Returns the context object's root which optionally includes the shadow root if it is available.
insertBefore(node:Node, child:Node):Node
Returns a Boolean
which indicates whether or not two nodes are of the same type and all their defining data points match.
Returns a Boolean
value indicating whether or not the two nodes are the same (that is, they reference the same object).
Accepts a prefix and returns the namespace URI associated with it on the given node if found (and null
if not). Supplying null
for the prefix will return the default namespace.
Returns a DOMString
containing the prefix for a given namespace URI, if present, and null
if not. When multiple prefixes are possible, the result is implementation-dependent.
Removes a child node from the current element, which must be a child of the current node.
null | DOMError |
replaceChild(node:Node, child:Node):Node
Replaces one child Node
of the current one with the second one given in parameter.
null | DOMError |