class System
package kha
Static variables
Static methods
staticchangeResolution(width:Int, height:Int):Void
Deprecated: "This does nothing. On Windows you can use Window.resize instead after setting the mode to ExclusiveFullscreen"
staticinit(options:OldSystemOptions, callback:() ‑> Void):Void
Deprecated: "Use System.start instead"
staticnotifyOnApplicationState(foregroundListener:() ‑> Void, resumeListener:() ‑> Void, pauseListener:() ‑> Void, backgroundListener:() ‑> Void, shutdownListener:() ‑> Void):Void
staticnotifyOnCutCopyPaste(cutListener:() ‑> String, copyListener:() ‑> String, pasteListener:String ‑> Void):Void
staticnotifyOnFrames(listener:Array<Framebuffer> ‑> Void):Void
The provided listener is called when new framebuffers are ready for rendering into. Each framebuffer corresponds to the kha.Window of the same index, single-window applications always receive an array of only one framebuffer.
listener | The callback to add |
staticnotifyOnFullscreenChange(func:() ‑> Void, error:() ‑> Void):Void
Deprecated: "This does nothing"
staticnotifyOnRender(listener:Framebuffer ‑> Void, id:Int = 0):Void
Deprecated: "Use System.notifyOnFrames instead"
staticremoveFramesListener(listener:Array<Framebuffer> ‑> Void):Void
Removes a previously set frames listener.
listener | The callback to remove |
staticremoveFullscreenListener(func:() ‑> Void, error:() ‑> Void):Void
Deprecated: "This does nothing"
Schedules the application to stop as soon as possible. This is not possible on all targets.
Returns true if the application can be stopped