The MediaTrackSettings dictionary is used to return the current values configured for each of a MediaStreamTrack's settings. These values will adhere as closely as possible to any constraints previously described using a MediaTrackConstraints object and set using applyConstraints(), and will adhere to the default constraints for any properties whose constraints haven't been changed, or whose customized constraints couldn't be matched.

Documentation MediaTrackSettings by Mozilla Contributors, licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5.

See also:


A long integer value indicating the current value of the MediaTrackSettings.width property, specifying the width of the track's video data in pixels.







A Boolean which indicates the current value of the MediaTrackConstraints.noiseSuppression property, which is true if noise suppression is enabled and is false otherwise.



A long integer value indicating the current value of the MediaTrackConstraints.height property, specifying the height of the track's video data in pixels.


A double-precision floating point value indicating the current value of the MediaTrackConstraints.frameRate property, specifying how many frames of video per second the track includes. If the value can't be determined for any reason, the value will match the vertical sync rate of the device the user agent is running on.



A Boolean indicating the current value of the MediaTrackConstraints.echoCancellation property, specifying true if echo cancellation is enabled, otherwise false.


A DOMString indicating the current value of the MediaTrackConstraints.deviceId property. The device ID is a origin-unique string identifying the source of the track; this is usually a GUID. This value is specific to the source of the track's data and is not usable for setting constraints; it can, however, be used for initially selecting media when calling MediaDevices.getUserMedia().


A long integer value indicating the current value of the MediaTrackConstraints.channelCount property, specifying the number of audio channels present on the track (therefore indicating how many audio samples exist in each audio frame). This is 1 for mono, 2 for stereo, and so forth.



A Boolean which indicates the current value of the MediaTrackConstraints.autoGainControl property, which is true if automatic gain control is enabled and is false otherwise.