The WebGLRenderingContext
interface provides the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering context for the drawing surface of an HTML canvas
Documentation WebGLRenderingContext by Mozilla Contributors, licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5.
See also:
Static variables
read onlycanvas:CanvasElement
A read-only back-reference to the HTMLCanvasElement
. Might be null
if it is not associated with a canvas
read onlydrawingBufferHeight:Int
The read-only height of the current drawing buffer. Should match the height of the canvas element associated with this context.
read onlydrawingBufferWidth:Int
The read-only width of the current drawing buffer. Should match the width of the canvas element associated with this context.
bindAttribLocation(program:Program, index:Int, name:String):Void
Binds a generic vertex index to a named attribute variable.
bindFramebuffer(target:Int, framebuffer:Framebuffer):Void
Binds a WebGLFrameBuffer
object to a given target.
bindRenderbuffer(target:Int, renderbuffer:Renderbuffer):Void
Binds a WebGLRenderBuffer
object to a given target.
blendColor(red:Float, green:Float, blue:Float, alpha:Float):Void
Sets the source and destination blending factors.
Sets both the RGB blend equation and alpha blend equation to a single equation.
blendEquationSeparate(modeRGB:Int, modeAlpha:Int):Void
Sets the RGB blend equation and alpha blend equation separately.
blendFunc(sfactor:Int, dfactor:Int):Void
Defines which function is used for blending pixel arithmetic.
blendFuncSeparate(srcRGB:Int, dstRGB:Int, srcAlpha:Int, dstAlpha:Int):Void
Defines which function is used for blending pixel arithmetic for RGB and alpha components separately.
bufferData(target:Int, data:ArrayBufferView, usage:Int):Void
bufferData(target:Int, size:Int, usage:Int):Void
bufferData(target:Int, data:ArrayBuffer, usage:Int):Void
Updates buffer data.
bufferSubData(target:Int, offset:Int, data:ArrayBufferView):Void
bufferSubData(target:Int, offset:Int, data:ArrayBuffer):Void
Updates buffer data starting at a passed offset.
clearColor(red:Float, green:Float, blue:Float, alpha:Float):Void
Specifies the color values used when clearing color buffers.
colorMask(red:Bool, green:Bool, blue:Bool, alpha:Bool):Void
Sets which color components to enable or to disable when drawing or rendering to a WebGLFramebuffer
compressedTexImage2D(target:Int, level:Int, internalformat:Int, width:Int, height:Int, border:Int, data:ArrayBufferView):Void
Specifies a 2D texture image in a compressed format.
compressedTexSubImage2D(target:Int, level:Int, xoffset:Int, yoffset:Int, width:Int, height:Int, format:Int, data:ArrayBufferView):Void
Specifies a 2D texture sub-image in a compressed format.
copyTexImage2D(target:Int, level:Int, internalformat:Int, x:Int, y:Int, width:Int, height:Int, border:Int):Void
Copies a 2D texture image.
copyTexSubImage2D(target:Int, level:Int, xoffset:Int, yoffset:Int, x:Int, y:Int, width:Int, height:Int):Void
Copies a 2D texture sub-image.
Specifies a function that compares incoming pixel depth to the current depth buffer value.
depthRange(zNear:Float, zFar:Float):Void
Specifies the depth range mapping from normalized device coordinates to window or viewport coordinates.
drawElements(mode:Int, count:Int, type:Int, offset:Int):Void
Renders primitives from element array data.
Empties different buffer commands, causing all commands to be executed as quickly as possible.
framebufferRenderbuffer(target:Int, attachment:Int, renderbuffertarget:Int, renderbuffer:Renderbuffer):Void
Attaches a WebGLRenderingBuffer
object to a WebGLFrameBuffer
framebufferTexture2D(target:Int, attachment:Int, textarget:Int, texture:Texture, level:Int):Void
Attaches a textures image to a WebGLFrameBuffer
Specifies whether polygons are front- or back-facing by setting a winding orientation.
getActiveAttrib(program:Program, index:Int):ActiveInfo
Returns information about an active attribute variable.
getActiveUniform(program:Program, index:Int):ActiveInfo
Returns information about an active uniform variable.
Returns a list of WebGLShader
objects attached to a WebGLProgram
Returns a WebGLContextAttributes
object that contains the actual context parameters. Might return null
, if the context is lost.
getFramebufferAttachmentParameter(target:Int, attachment:Int, pname:Int):Dynamic
Returns information about the framebuffer.
null | DOMError |
getShaderPrecisionFormat(shadertype:Int, precisiontype:Int):ShaderPrecisionFormat
Returns a WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat
object describing the precision for the numeric format of the shader.
Returns an Array
of DOMString
elements with all the supported WebGL extensions.
getUniform(program:Program, location:UniformLocation):Dynamic
Returns the value of a uniform variable at a given location.
getUniformLocation(program:Program, name:String):UniformLocation
Returns the location of a uniform variable.
getVertexAttrib(index:Int, pname:Int):Dynamic
Returns information about a vertex attribute at a given position.
null | DOMError |
hint(target:Int, mode:Int):Void
Specifies hints for certain behaviors. The interpretation of these hints depend on the implementation.
Tests whether a specific WebGL capability is enabled or not for this context.
Returns a Boolean indicating if the passed WebGLFrameBuffer
object is valid.
Returns a Boolean indicating if the passed WebGLRenderingBuffer
is valid.
polygonOffset(factor:Float, units:Float):Void
Specifies the scale factors and units to calculate depth values.
readPixels(x:Int, y:Int, width:Int, height:Int, format:Int, type:Int, pixels:ArrayBufferView):Void
Reads a block of pixels from the WebGLFrameBuffer
null | DOMError |
renderbufferStorage(target:Int, internalformat:Int, width:Int, height:Int):Void
Creates a renderbuffer data store.
sampleCoverage(value:Float, invert:Bool):Void
Specifies multi-sample coverage parameters for anti-aliasing effects.
stencilFunc(func:Int, ref:Int, mask:Int):Void
Sets the both front and back function and reference value for stencil testing.
stencilFuncSeparate(face:Int, func:Int, ref:Int, mask:Int):Void
Sets the front and/or back function and reference value for stencil testing.
Controls enabling and disabling of both the front and back writing of individual bits in the stencil planes.
stencilMaskSeparate(face:Int, mask:Int):Void
Controls enabling and disabling of front and/or back writing of individual bits in the stencil planes.
stencilOp(fail:Int, zfail:Int, zpass:Int):Void
Sets both the front and back-facing stencil test actions.
stencilOpSeparate(face:Int, fail:Int, zfail:Int, zpass:Int):Void
Sets the front and/or back-facing stencil test actions.
texImage2D(target:Int, level:Int, internalformat:Int, format:Int, type:Int, video:VideoElement):Void
texImage2D(target:Int, level:Int, internalformat:Int, width:Int, height:Int, border:Int, format:Int, type:Int, pixels:ArrayBufferView):Void
texImage2D(target:Int, level:Int, internalformat:Int, format:Int, type:Int, pixels:ImageBitmap):Void
texImage2D(target:Int, level:Int, internalformat:Int, format:Int, type:Int, pixels:ImageData):Void
texImage2D(target:Int, level:Int, internalformat:Int, format:Int, type:Int, image:ImageElement):Void
texImage2D(target:Int, level:Int, internalformat:Int, format:Int, type:Int, canvas:CanvasElement):Void
Specifies a 2D texture image.
null | DOMError |
texSubImage2D(target:Int, level:Int, xoffset:Int, yoffset:Int, format:Int, type:Int, video:VideoElement):Void
texSubImage2D(target:Int, level:Int, xoffset:Int, yoffset:Int, width:Int, height:Int, format:Int, type:Int, pixels:ArrayBufferView):Void
texSubImage2D(target:Int, level:Int, xoffset:Int, yoffset:Int, format:Int, type:Int, pixels:ImageBitmap):Void
texSubImage2D(target:Int, level:Int, xoffset:Int, yoffset:Int, format:Int, type:Int, pixels:ImageData):Void
texSubImage2D(target:Int, level:Int, xoffset:Int, yoffset:Int, format:Int, type:Int, image:ImageElement):Void
texSubImage2D(target:Int, level:Int, xoffset:Int, yoffset:Int, format:Int, type:Int, canvas:CanvasElement):Void
Updates a sub-rectangle of the current WebGLTexture
null | DOMError |
uniform1fv(location:UniformLocation, data:Float32Array):Void
uniform1fv(location:UniformLocation, data:Array<Float>):Void
uniform1iv(location:UniformLocation, data:Int32Array):Void
uniform1iv(location:UniformLocation, data:Array<Int>):Void
uniform2fv(location:UniformLocation, data:Float32Array):Void
uniform2fv(location:UniformLocation, data:Array<Float>):Void
uniform2iv(location:UniformLocation, data:Int32Array):Void
uniform2iv(location:UniformLocation, data:Array<Int>):Void
uniform3fv(location:UniformLocation, data:Float32Array):Void
uniform3fv(location:UniformLocation, data:Array<Float>):Void
uniform3iv(location:UniformLocation, data:Int32Array):Void
uniform3iv(location:UniformLocation, data:Array<Int>):Void
uniform4fv(location:UniformLocation, data:Float32Array):Void
uniform4fv(location:UniformLocation, data:Array<Float>):Void
uniform4iv(location:UniformLocation, data:Int32Array):Void
uniform4iv(location:UniformLocation, data:Array<Int>):Void
uniformMatrix2fv(location:UniformLocation, transpose:Bool, data:Float32Array):Void
uniformMatrix2fv(location:UniformLocation, transpose:Bool, data:Array<Float>):Void
uniformMatrix3fv(location:UniformLocation, transpose:Bool, data:Float32Array):Void
uniformMatrix3fv(location:UniformLocation, transpose:Bool, data:Array<Float>):Void
uniformMatrix4fv(location:UniformLocation, transpose:Bool, data:Float32Array):Void
uniformMatrix4fv(location:UniformLocation, transpose:Bool, data:Array<Float>):Void
Uses the specified WebGLProgram
as part the current rendering state.