In this tutorial, we will create canvas using Armory2D, learn about it and then add and control canvas's element using haxe.

Our Goal:

Fire up Armory3D project, once you have it up, go to Scene - Armory Scene Trait, create new Canvas Trait, name it UI and hit Edit Canvas. A window named Armory2D should pop-up:

Armory2d Image

Let study its user interface:

Canvas's Layout Image

  1. This is where you can add elements from.

  2. This is Canvas's area, where you arrange for you window.

  3. This is Project tab, where you configure you elements.

    1. Save: Saves the canvas.
    2. Canvas: Create new canvas with given name, width and height.
    3. Outliner: This is layer. You can press Up/Down to move it up/down the layer, Remove to remove the element, Duplicate, to duplicate. (Pretty obvious)
    4. Properties: Adjust visibility, name, text, transform, color of an selected element.
    5. Align: (WIP).
    6. Anchor: Anchor element to selected side.
    7. Script: This is used to handle event.
    8. Timeline: (WIP).
  4. This is Assets tab, where you import assets in:

    1. Import Assets: Import assets using zui's file dialogue.
    2. X: Remove assets.
  5. This is Preferences tab, where you configure Armory2D:

    1. UI Scale: Scales the UI.
    2. Grid Size: Scale the grid.
    3. Grid Snap Position: Snap element to grid position.
    4. Grid Snap Bounds: Snap element to grid bounds.
    5. VSync: Enable/disable VSync.
    6. Console: (WIP).
  6. This is Timeline, used to animate elements, but currently it is WIP, so we will ignore it for now.

Let add elements:

Some Image

  1. Text: Add Text txt, We will control this by using below UI (sliders, input, etc).
  2. Sliders: Add 3 sliders slider_r, slider_g, slider_b to control rgb value of the txt.
  3. Input: Add input input_txt, we will use this to controll the text of txt.
  4. Combo: Add combo(aka dropdown), set text as Default Case;Upper Case;Lower Case,we will use it make our txt case-sensitive or not.
  5. Radio: Add radio, rotate, set text as Rotate 90;Rotate 180;Rotate 0,we will use this set rotation of our text.
  6. Check: Add checkbox visibility, we will use this to make txt visible/invisible.
  7. Button: Add button apply_btn, and set apply_btn in Script - Event,we will use this to apply the change made using UI.
  8. Image: Add logo, we use this to for image assets.
  9. Shape: Add h_1, we use this add shape.

We set text of our combo and radio as `option1;option2;option3` because it seperate options by `;`.

When you run the game, you should see something like this:

Some Image

Now, we will create Haxe Trait to control our UI created in UI Canvas. Head over to Scene - Armory Scene Trait in Blender and create new Haxe Trait and name it CanvasController and hit Edit Script.

// In CanvasController.hx
package arm;

import iron.Scene;
import armory.trait.internal.CanvasScript;
import armory.system.Event;

class CanvasController extends iron.Trait {

    // Initialize canvas as CanvasScript.
    var canvas:CanvasScript;

    public function new() {

        notifyOnInit(function() {
            // Set canvas as CanvasScript trait from active scene.
            canvas =;
            // Add event listener with string 'apply_btn' and call 'applyCanvas' function.
            Event.add("apply_btn", applyCanvas);


    public function applyCanvas() {

If you were to run this and press Apply button, it should print Applied!. If it do, then our basics are working and we are ready to do more work.

Now to change color of text using slider_r/slider_g/slider_b silder and enable/disable visibility using visibility checkbox:

//In CanvasController.hx

import kha.Color;
import zui.Canvas.TElement;
class CanvasController extends iron.Trait {

    var canvas:CanvasScript;
    // Initialize text as TElement.
    var text:TElement;

    public function new() {

        notifyOnInit(function() {
            canvas =;
            //get element from canvas with string 'txt'.
            text = canvas.getElement("txt");
            Event.add("apply_btn", applyCanvas);

    public function applyCanvas() {
        //Only call set_'s funtions when button is pressed.

    public function set_rgb() {
        //Get value from UI using getHandle().
        var r = canvas.getHandle("slider_r").value;
        var g = canvas.getHandle("slider_g").value;
        var b = canvas.getHandle("slider_b").value;
        //Set text color from float r,g,b.
        text.color = Color.fromFloats(r, g, b);

    public function set_visibility() {
        //Get checkbox's selected bool value.
        var is_selected = canvas.getHandle("visibility").selected;
        // if isn't selected than keep invisible else visible.
        if (!is_selected){
            text.visible = false;
            text.visible = true;

Now we will get input from input_txt and case sensitivity from dd_case and set Text txt according to it.

//In CanvasContoller.hx
class CanvasController extends iron.Trait {
    public function new() { ~ }

    public function applyCanvas() {
        set_input_txt();// 4

    public function set_rgb() { ~ }

    public function set_visibility() { ~ }

    public function set_input_txt() {
        //Get input value.
        var input_txt = canvas.getHandle("input_txt").text;
        //Get selected value from drop down with position.
        var caseSensitivity = canvas.getHandle("dd_case").position;
        // 3
        if (caseSensitivity == 1){
            text.text = input_txt.toUpperCase();
        }else if (caseSensitivity == 2){
            text.text = input_txt.toLowerCase();
            text.text = input_txt;

And lastly rotation of Text txt using Radio visibility:

class CanvasController extends iron.Trait {
    public function new() { ~ }

    public function applyCanvas() {

    public function set_rgb() { ~ }

    public function set_visibility() { ~ }

    public function set_input_txt() { ~ }

    public function set_rotation(){
        //Just like dropdown's case use position to get selected value.
        var rotate = canvas.getHandle("rotate").position;
        //Set text's rotation according to selected radio's value.
        if (rotate == 0){
            text.rotation = 0;
        }else if (rotate == 1){
            text.rotation = 90 * 3.14 / 180;
        }else if (rotate == 2){
            text.rotation = 180 * 3.14 / 180;

Armory uses radians almost everywhere so be sure to convert it to degrees.

Now on playing it, you should get our goal.

๐ŸŽ‰There we go, our tutorial is finished ๐ŸŽ‰

If anything goes wrong, then you can check the source code