
Using keyboard to save and load game doesn't make sense, so we will add some buttons to do the work instead. Create a new scene Canvas trait SaveLoad and add following elements and set their event as 'save_btn' and 'load_btn':

Some Image

and if you play it, you should get something like this:

Some Image

Now to make button click, open SaveLoadMechanism.hx.

// In SaveLoadMechanism.hx
package arm;

import armory.system.Event;
import iron.Scene;
class SaveLoadMechanism extends iron.Trait {
    public function new() {

            //Add event listener with string defined in Armory2D.
            Event.add("save_btn", save);
            Event.add("load_btn", load);


For our last and final feature, we are going to hide buttons on start and then we will able to show and hide them with m.

// In SaveLoadMechanism.hx

import armory.trait.internal.CanvasScript;// 1

typedef Cube = { loc : Vec4, rot : Vec4 }

class SaveLoadMechanism extends iron.Trait {
    var canvas:CanvasScript;

    var isButtonsHidden:Bool;

    public function new() {

            //Get CanvasScript trait from active scene.
            canvas =;
            isButtonsHidden = true;

        notifyOnUpdate(function (){
            if (kb.started("m")){
                if (isButtonsHidden){

    public function save() { ~ }

    public function load() { ~ }

    public function hideButtons() {
        //Set Element visible property to false to hide the element
        canvas.getElement("save_btn").visible = false;
        canvas.getElement("load_btn").visible = false;
        isButtonsHidden = true;

    public function showButtons() {
        //Set Element visible property to true to show the element
        canvas.getElement("save_btn").visible = true;
        canvas.getElement("load_btn").visible = true;
        isButtonsHidden = false;

You should get the following result:

๐ŸŽ‰There we go! Save and Load mechanism tutorial is over!๐ŸŽ‰

For further improving, you can:

  1. Encrypt the file, so that people don't cheat.
  2. Add more value for it to save.
  3. Make GTA XII